Mittwoch, 9. Dezember 2015

60 Days BSHUP - DAY 36/38

Hey Beasties!

It's a new week in December and time for some new workouts!
Let's rock this together...I'm totally motivated! How about you?  :)

Monday was Gym Day, and therefore I did a strength training which I will show you now:

For today I've also a very challenging workout for you! It made me sweat like hell! 
So, today I did a kind of cardio-style HIIT with my JumpRope and some cool exercises:

Instead of 10 sec rest, which I usually have in my workouts, you will do 50 sec skipping after each exercise - to get your heartrate will give you a good sweat ;) 

To be's time to take confession...I'm so ashamed...
My mom and me, we both took a little time out to get into the x-mas spirit and visited some Christmas markets yesterday. We travelled to Czech -> Cesky Krumlov, that's such a beautiful medieval city! It was such a fun day, but....I ate way too much of the unhealthy stuff! Ups! :-)

Ah shucks! Nobody's perfect, and sometimes we all  need a day off for enjoying life! Let's forget it, do a great workout and get back on track! :)

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