heute habe ich wieder eine Workout-Zusammenfassung der letzten Woche für euch!
Tuesday, 15.09.2015 - Kettlebell Workout
20 reps/exercise
KB-Swing 16kg
One Leg Bridge and Press (left) 12kg
Romanian Deadlift and Pull Up 16kg
KB-Swing 16kg
One Leg Bridge and Press (right) 12kg
Deadlift 16kg
One Arm Swing (left) 16kg
One Arm Swing (right) 16kg
Clean, Squat and Press (left) 12kg
Clean, Squat and Press (right) 12kg
One Arm Swing (alternating) 16kg
Plank Row (left) 12kg
Plank Row (right) 12kg
Crunch with KB Lift 12kg
Windmill (left) 12kg
Windmill (right) 12kg
Russian Twist 16kg
One Leg Deadlift (2x) to Lung and Pass Under 16kg
Snatch (alternating) 12kg
Low Step Back 16kg
Standing Side Crunch (left) 16kg
Standing Side Crunch (right) 16kg
One Hand Push Up on KB (alternating)
Turkish Get Ups 16 kg (as many as possible)
Wednesday, 16.09.2015 - Triatlon HIIT (Christina Salus)
Friday, 18.09.2015
> Squats - 3 x 12 reps (28kg)
> Back Lunge (SmithMachine) - 3 x 12 reps (40kg)
> Calf Raises - 3 x 30 reps (40kg)
> Romanian Deadlift - 3 x 10 reps (40kg)
> Back Lunge and Twist with Kettlebell - 3 x 10 reps (12kg)
> Cable Butt Kick Back - 3 x 10 reps (22,5kg)
> Walking Lunges with Disc - 3 x 15 reps (20kg)
> Walking Lunges - 3 x 30 reps (no weight)
> Reverse Squats - 3 x 14 reps (28kg)
> Standing Leg Lift - 3 x 20 reps
Saturday, 19.09.2015 - Short WOD
10/50 sec - 18 rounds
Burpees with MedBall
Weighted Curtsy Lunge with Sliders (right)
Roll-Ups with MedBall
Weighted Curtsy Lunge with Sliders (left)
Elevated Push Up
Woodchop and Twist with MedBall
One Hand Push Up on MedBall
Knee In'n Out with Sliders
V-Up with MedBall
Elevated Reptiles
Pike Abs and Pike Push Up with Sliders
Bicycle Ab Twist with MedBall
Plank Walk with Sliders
Hamstring Curls with MedBall
Butt Pikes with MedBall
Seated Toss with MedBall
Russian Twist with MedBall
Sunday, 20.09.2015 - Vogelbergsteig

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