Aber lieber spät als nie...nicht dass ihr auf die Idee kommt, ich habe mich ganz auf die "faule Haut" geschmissen... ;)
Wie ihr seht, habe ich meistens zuhause trainiert, und an den Wochenenden war ich so viel wie möglich draußen unterwegs! In der Natur ist es halt doch am Schönsten! :)
Also dann...das standt auf meinem Programm:

Tuesday, 01.09.2015 - 60 Minute Full Body (Melissa Bender)
40sec cardio/50sec exercise - 40 rounds
Curtsy Lunge & Curl (right)
Curts Lunge & Curl (left)
Down Dog/Dolphin Press
Sit to Stand Thigh Sculpt (right)
Sit to Stand Thigh Sculpt (left)
Side Plank Leg Lift (right)
Side Plank Leg Lift (left)
Windshield Wiper Dips
Lunge Jump Squats
Down Dog Toe Touch Stretch (right)
Down Dog Toe Touch Stretch (left)
Pretzel Lift (right)
Pretzel Lift (left)
Squat to Curty Lunge Kick (alternating)
Warrior Deadlift to Row (right)
Warrior Deadlift to Row (left)
Side Plank Hold (right)
Side Plank Hold (left)
Single Leg Frogger Pushup
Wood Chopper (alternating)
Wednesday, 02.09.2015
> SZ-Bar Curl - 3 x 10 reps (7,5kg)
> BB-Front Raise - 3 x 10 reps
> Rope Pull Down (Cable) - 3 x 12 reps (15kg)
> One Arm Row (Dumbbell) - 3 x 7 reps (16kg)
> Lat. Pull Down - 3 x 8 reps (30kg)
> Chest Press - 3 x 10 reps (14kg)
> Reverse Squat with Dumbbell - 3 x 20 reps (24kg/26kg/28kg)
> Triceps Dips - 3 x 12 reps
> Side Plank Lat. Raise with Dumbbell - 3 x 10 reps (5kg)
> Push Plank with Barbell-Disc -3 x 10 reps (15kg)
> Weighted Toe Reach w. Kettlebell - 3 x 20 reps (12kg)
> Side V-Up with Toe Reach - 3 x 10 reps (each side)
Friday, 04.09.2015 - NIKI's WOD #49
Part 1: 10/50sec - 24 rounds
Spine Roll Burpee
Jump Rope
Push Up, Row, Stand w. Dumbbell
Jump Rope
Triceps Push Up and Toe Touch
Jump Rope
Wallwalks and (2x) Shoulder Touch
Jump Rope
Part 2: 20sec plank/20sec exercise - 8 rounds/exercise
Toe Taps
Chair Pose
Ninja Jump Tuck
Saturday, 05.09.2015 - Mountainbiking
Sunday, 06.09.2015 - Geocaching
Monday, 07.09.2015 - NIKI's WOD #50 - AMRAP
20 reps/exercise - as many rounds as possible
Toe Reach with Kettlebell (12kg)
Side Kick Plank
Side Plank Elbow Tab (left)
Leg Lift and Side Step Plank (alternating)
Side Plank Elbow Tab (right)
Wednesday, 09.09.2015
> Squats - 3 x 12 reps (28kg)
> Step Up (SmithMachine) - 1 x 10 reps/ 1 x 5 reps (20kg)
> Calf Raises (SmithMachine) - 3 x 30 reps (40kg)
> Romanian Deadlift - 3 x 10 reps (40kg)
> Back Lunge and Twist with Kettlebell - 3 x 10 reps (16kg)
> Butt Kickback - 3 x 10 reps (22,5kg)
> Walking Lunges with Disc - 2 x 20 reps (20kg)
> Walking Lunges - 2 x 30 reps (no weight)
Thursday, 10.09.2015 - NIKI's WOD #51
40sec JumpRope/50sec exercis - 30 rounds
Starfish Burpee
Cross Knee Tucks
1 Leg Hip Thrusters (left)
1 Leg Hip Thrusters (right)
Back Lunge and Twist w. Kettlebell
Sump Squat Low Side Step w. Kettlebell
10 HighKnees/Drop Down/Power Up
3 Way Abs
Plank Walk Get Up
Friday, 11.09.2015 - TABATA
10/20sec - 8 rounds/exercise
Toe Taps on MedBall
Elevated Push Ups
3-Way Commando Plank
10 HighKnees/Drop Down/Power Up
Russian Twist with MedBall
Side Plank Hip Lift (alt.)
MedBall Crunches
Saturday, 12.09.2015 - Rax - Hiking
Sunday, 13.09.2015 - 17km Hiking in Bärnkopf

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