Das Training der letzten Woche war ein bunter Mix aus HIIT, Kraft- und Outdoorsport. Die perfekte Mischung für den Sommer...zumindest für mich :D
Last weeks training was a colorful mix of HIIT, strength- and outdoor-sport! Perfect summer-workout routine...at least for me :D
Tuesday, 07.07.2015 -> Super Sweaty HIIT
Wednesday, 08.07.2015 -> HIIT (Christine Salus)
Thursday, 09.07.2015
> Standing Bradford Press (BB) - 3 x 10 reps
> BB Front Raise - 3 x 10 reps
> Rope Pull Down (CableTower) - 3 x 12 reps (15kg)
> Front and Side Raise Disc - 3 x 10 reps (5kg)
> Triceps Extension - 3 x 10 reps (10kg)
> Skull Crusher - 3 x 10 reps (14kg)
> Pushup and Deadlift - 3 x 10 reps (14kg)
> Reverse Squat - 3 x 15 reps (24kg)
> Sit Up with KB - 3 x 10 reps (12kg)
> V-Up to Overhead Press - 3 x 8 reps (8kg)
> Standing Side Crunch with KB - 3 x 10 reps (16kg)
Friday, 10.07.2015 -> Biking
Saturday, 11.07.2015 -> Katzenstein hiking

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